The BDFA is delighted to partner again with the BDSRA (Batten disease support and research association) for their annual conference that is yet again online. As last year, we will be sending out conference boxes full of activities and conference…
National Day of Reflection 2021 On this national day of reflection, one year since the first lockdown began on 23rd March 2020, we are remembering all those have been bereaved whatever the cause, especially those within our own batten community.…
With Music in Mind by Amber Trust Monday 16 November 4-5pm With Music in Mind is The Amber Trust's pioneering new music service for families who have a visually impaired child with neurodegenerative disease, such as Batten disease. This webinar…
BDSRA online conference July 10th - 12th 2020 SIGN UP DEADLINE TUESDAY 9TH JUNE We are official partners of the BDSRA (Batten Disease Support and Research Association) in the US as they are holding their annual family conference entirely online.…
ONE WEEK TO GO until International Batten Disease Awareness Day! What you can do to raiseawarenes and be orange on the day? Use #battendiseaseuk #battenday2020 on your social media posts Dress in orange, but not just you, the dog, the…
BDFA Financial and Organisation Update May 2020 We held a zoom meeting earlier this month to discuss the BDFA’s accounts (year-end August 2019) and we were joined by 11 parents as well as professionals working in the Batten arena.…
A Quick Reminder, it is not too late to sign up! Just a reminder that we have our ‘pre-AGM’ family meeting tomorrow at 2pm on Zoom about the BDFA’s accounts (year end 2019) and our current position and future…
*** UPDATE *** BDFA MEDICAL WEBINAR- CHANGE OF TIME Wednesday 22nd April- NEW TIME 4PM Dear All, Just to confirm our BDFA medical webinar tomorrow. Please note the change in time of 4pm. Unfortunately Professor Gissen has had…
BDFA MEDICAL WEBINAR Wednesday 22nd April- 11am We are holding our first BDFA Medical Webinar next Wednesday at 11am. We welcome our guests for this event Professor Paul Gissen and clinical nurse specialists Laura Lee and Becky Bower. They will be discussing…
One of our parents, Amanda Harrison, writes about her experience of lockdown during Coronavirus. Her feelings of isolation will resonate with many. Likewise, issues accessing shopping slots and the loss of key support such as the family's local hospice. Thank…