Fancy working for the BDFA? We currently have 2 job opportunities open to join our team. We are looking for a family support worker and a community fundraiser. Community Fundraiser Permanent, Part-time, 21 hours a week Family Support Worker…
Tech For All - ipads for children and young people with a vision impairment We are really pleased to let you all know of an amazing new scheme being run by The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association called Tech…
We have moved!!! Yesterday we got the keys to the new lovely BDFA office near Kings Cross in London. It needs a little organising to make it feel like home but we are all really excited!
We are so excited to annouce that the BDFA will have a new home as of Monday 6th September just a short walk from Kings Cross station in London. Boxes are packed and ready to go, and we can't wait!…
**** SAVE THE DATE **** The BDFA Family Conference is back in 2022! Saturday 11th - Sunday 12th June 2022 Due to current times, the BDFA are planning that this conference will be a hybrid event, so families can join…
Join Dr Ruth Williams, Consultant Children’s Neurologist for a session on epilepsy and Batten disease. Monday 9th August @ 5pm, on Zoom Please RSVP to for the link. Hope to see you there!
BDSRA online conference July 10th - 12th 2020 SIGN UP DEADLINE TUESDAY 9TH JUNE We are official partners of the BDSRA (Batten Disease Support and Research Association) in the US as they are holding their annual family conference entirely online.…
International Batten Disease Awareness Day Tuesday 9th June 2020 4 DAYS TO GO! We are getting very excited about Batten disease awareness day next Tuesday 9th June which we are sharing with international peers. We are kicking off our awareness…
Conference News Postponement of our face to face conference As I am sure you will understand, we have made the difficult decision to postpone our conference due to Covid19. The future is uncertain and October feels too soon for…
Virtual ‘family’ meeting to share our future plans and financial position Friday 1st May from 2-3.30pm The BDFA is pleased to invite you to a virtual ‘family’ meeting on Zoom to discuss our latest accounts (year end August 2019)…