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Professor Jon Cooper has just been informed by Kings College that his laboratory will be moving between the 15-19th June. As you are aware, this is the same week that we had planned to have the PSDL/BDFA Lab Open Day for families and professionals.

With regret, we will have to cancel this Lab Open Day as Jon and his team will be busy during their move & will not be able to give presentations on their work or a lab tour.

We will be looking to reschedule the Lab Open Day for later in the Autumn.


BDFA Scientific Officer

Donate to the work of the BDFA

With your support we can help support families living with the devastating diagnosis of Batten disease

The BDFA receives NO funding from Government and are only able to carry out our work because of the strong commitment of our volunteers and fundraisers.

Thank you so much for your support

How your donation can help

£5 a month
provides a support and information
folder for a newly diagnosed family

£20 a month

helps to run our family support services

£50 a month
enables us to run training workshops
for professionals to educate them on
Batten disease