Professor Tristan McKay and the BDFA would like to invite parents and carers to a Laboratory Open Day on Thursday 30th March 2017 at MMU. The day will run from 10.30am-3.30pm with a light lunch provided.
BATCure is a 3-year research project with the goal of developing new therapeutic options for patients and their families living with CLN3, CLN6 or CLN7 Batten disease. Professor Tristan McKay is a Professor in Stem Cell Biology and leads one of the groups working on BATCure. His group are involved in developing cell based models of Batten disease.
This is an opportunity to come along and meet the research group working on Batten disease at MMU and to see first-hand the work that they do in the lab. Heather Band, BDFA Scientific Officer, will also be presenting an update on the BATCure project and other BDFA funded research.
We hope you can join us. Please contact Laura Codd at the BDFA by 15th March to book your place: