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Lab Day Photo – Chip At MMU

Laboratory Open Day at Manchester Metropolitan University hosted by Professor Tristan McKay and the BDFA: Thursday 30th March 2017


The BDFA would like to thank Professor Tristan McKay and his group at Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) for hosting a very interesting and informative visit to their laboratory. MMU are part of BATCure, a 3-year research project with the goal of developing new therapeutic options for patients and their families living with CLN3, CLN6 or CLN7 Batten disease.

The day was a great opportunity for families and interested professionals to learn more about the BATCure-funded research being undertaken at MMU, focusing on stem cell biology and the development of cell based models of Batten disease. They updated us on their progress, and how these cells will be used by other groups in the consortium to screen for potential therapeutic drugs for Batten disease. Those attending were also able to find out about the research they do and see first-hand some of the work currently taking place in the lab.

Heather Band, BDFA Scientific Officer, gave an introduction to the work of the BDFA and how we fund research, and the role we play in BATCure. The BATCure Project Lead is Prof. Sara Mole (UCL) and all those involved, including the BDFA, will be attending the next progress meeting in May.

The BDFA was delighted to see so many families attending a laboratory open day for the first time and feedback was very positive. Following the success of the day, it is hoped that another open day can be arranged in London in the early summer.

Some feedback from families who attended the day….

“Thank you for a fantastic opportunity to meet those who are spending their time and brain on helping finding treatment and cure for Batten patients. The day was really well organised. The contents was well pitched for us, and the lab tour gave us a great vision of science happening right now. Thank you for being wonderful drivers of hope.”

Thank you for arranging the day. I found it interesting and informative from both personal and professional perspective.”

Download the presentations in PDF format below

MMU Lab day  – Heather Band BDFA

MMU Lab Day – Lorna FitzPatrick PhD

MMU Lab Day – Prof Tristan McKay


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With your support we can help support families living with the devastating diagnosis of Batten disease

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The BDFA receives NO funding from Government and are only able to carry out our work because of the strong commitment of our volunteers and fundraisers.

Thank you so much for your support

How your donation can help

£5 a month
provides a support and information
folder for a newly diagnosed family

£20 a month

helps to run our family support services

£50 a month
enables us to run training workshops
for professionals to educate them on
Batten disease