The BDFA welcomes the recent announcement by PlasmaTech Biopharmaceuticals, Inc.
Professor Kielian and the UNeMed Corporation (the technology transfer and commercialization office (TTO) for the University of Nebraska Medical Center) are to be congratulated for their hard work and vision to further develop a potential therapy for Juvenile Batten disease.
It is encouraging that PlasmaTech Biopharmacueticals, a biopharmaceutical company who focus on developing and delivering gene therapy and plasma-based products for severe and life-threatening rare diseases, have added a product with potential to treat JNCL to their product pipeline.
As they have stated, this is a license agreement to develop the product and it is to be expected that there will be further work required before any product continuing to show promise can enter clinical trials. For any further information or any queries about NCL research please contact the BDFA Scientific Officer, Heather Band, 01243 672660