The BDFA is pleased to support the Jeffrey’s Biker Journey 2023 campaign, working with them to raise invaluable awareness of Batten disease as they embark on their multiple rides across the UK over the next 3 months.
We look forward to following and promoting the campaign through our website and sharing updates on our social media channels.
We are thrilled that Triumph Motorcycles will also be promoting the campaign on their social media platforms and that they will be welcoming the riders to their Triumph Factory Visitor Experience in Hinkley on the 12th &13th August as part of the Bikers’ ride. The BDFA have also been invited to attend and we look forward to this wonderful opportunity to raise awareness collectively.
The Ride

The map shows the route of the 2023 ride

About Jeffery’s Biker Journey
In May 2021 4 year old Jeffrey Charlesworth was diagnosed with CLN2 Batten disease. We heard about this through a loose family connection and decided that we would like to support the family in some way. None of us had ever heard of Batten disease or the devastating effect it has on children and their families.
As motorcyclists, the obvious thing for us was a ride to raise some funds to help the family and to raise awareness of the disease. As often happens, the idea snowballed and ‘a ride’ became a round Britain relay using a teddy bear as a mascot. That first event in September 2021 was a success, involving riders from Lands End to Orkney and ended after 2000 miles with the presentation of a (rather grubby) bear to Jeffrey.

In 2022 the focus of the ride shifted slightly and awareness became a key component. We made contact with other families with children diagnosed with Batten disease and delivered 42 ‘support’ bears to children across the country as part of our relay ride. We promoted awareness through the group rides and motorcycle groups that we contacted or randomly bumped into.
For 2023, with the support of the Charlesworth family, we decided to focus on awareness and sought to work with the BDFA to maximise the impact of this years’ event. We have linked up with the Triumph Motorcycle Company and they will be publicising the event through their extensive social media channels. We hope from that to gain more riders for our journey and bring information about Batten disease to an audience who may never have heard about