As it is nearly Mother’s Day, we would like to show our support for mothers in the toughest of times. Please help us by sharing a photo of you and your children. You can save the image below and add…
Many of you know Harriet Lunnemann who is the BDFA support and advocacy worker. Not only does Harriet travel the country supporting families on behalf of the BDFA, she also volunteers with families living with disability in Uganda. Now she…
Have a look at the Education Page on our website for more information on the up and coming Education days. Join us and staff from New College Worcester, The Royal Blind School and Linden Lodge in their respective training days to…
Professor Tristan McKay and the BDFA would like to invite parents and carers to a Laboratory Open Day on Thursday 30th March 2017 at MMU. The day will run from 10.30am-3.30pm with a light lunch provided. BATCure is a 3-year research project with…