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Invite Your MP Westminster 14.03.2024

                 Update from Disabled Children’s Partnership

The amazing parent campaigner Andrew Turner has secured a Westminster Hall debate on Child Trust Funds for disabled young people. This is happening next Tuesday 19th March at 4.30 pm. 

The Westminster Hall debate will consider the thousands of disabled youngsters unable to access savings held in their Child Trust Funds and Junior ISAs .

It’s important that lots of MPs attend the Westminster Hall debate. The government must understand what it needs to do to stop disabled youngsters missing out on their savings.

Why this debate is important

More than 80,000 disabled young people have a Child Trust Fund – a type of tax-free savings account. However, due to lacking mental capacity, the vast majority of are struggling to access their own savings. This is because families must apply to the Court of Protection – a process that many find complicated, lengthy and in many cases, costly.

We all agree that there must be a process in place that protects vulnerable people from financial abuse. But alternative solutions are available. One is the expansion of the Appointee scheme, under which many parents are entrusted to manage their child’s benefits.

At the debate, we want MPs to ask the Government to do more so that disabled youngsters don’t miss out on their savings.

A government minister will have to respond to the debate, so it’s important that lots of MPs attend to show what an important issue this is for families with disabled children.

You can find out more about the campaign at Contact a Family website- HERE
You are invited to use this easy template to invite your MP using the link below,

Invite your MP to Child Trust Fund Westminster debate (

You can also read Contact’s (@contactfamilies) social posts about the debate.

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£5 a month
provides a support and information
folder for a newly diagnosed family

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for professionals to educate them on
Batten disease