Notice of Annual General Meeting of the Batten Disease Family Association
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual General Meeting of the Batten Disease Family Association will be held virtually via Zoom,
at 1pm on Saturday 21st November 2020.
We are hoping to hold some further sessions after the meeting for families. These will be confirmed nearer the time.
- Introduction and Welcome
- BDFA 2018-2019 Review of the year
- Treasurer’s 2018-2019 Report
- Election of Chair of Trustees – To elect Pauline Docherty as Chair.
- Appointment of Charity Trustees- To re-appoint trustee for a period of three years: Cath Sermon. Also to appoint new trustees Richard Whitbread, Treasurer, Gareth Holmes, Bob Thompson, Zlatko Sisic, Simon Sewart.
- AGM Minutes 2018 – To receive and approve the Minutes of the 2018 AGM
- Annual Reports and Accounts- To receive and approve the report and accounts for the year ended 31 August 2019.
- To appoint auditors for 2019
We are asking anyone wishing to join us both members and families to sign up via the Event bright link.
Tickets will be sent to attendees with the link and instructions for joining the meeting on the day. Any problems with this please get in touch.
Note- Charitable companies and Charitable Incorporated Organisations (CIOs) can hold AGMs and other members’ meetings online – this has been made possible by the Corporate Insolvency and Governance Act 2020 and applies until 30 December.
By order of the Board of Trustees
Pauline Docherty, Chair.
21st October 2020
Members and families are warmly invited to attend.
All Members are entitled to vote at the AGM. If you are unable to attend the AGM yourself, someone else may attend and vote. Alternatively, you may appoint a proxy to vote for you, using a proxy form. Please contact if you would like a form.
We look forward to seeing you there
Many thanks
The BDFA Team