Notice is hereby given that the 2021 Annual General Meeting of the Batten Disease Family Association to be held via Zoom video-conferencing on Saturday 25th June 2022, 2pm.
- Introduction and Welcome
2. AGM Minutes year end 2020 – To receive and approve the Minutes of the year end 2020 AGM. These will be sent to those who register to attend the AGM.
3. CEO Review of the year 2020- 2021.
4. Treasurer Financial Review of the year 2020- 2021.
5. To receive the report and accounts for the year ended 31 August 2021 The Report and Accounts which cover items 3 and 4 have been circulated and will be resent to those registered to attend the AGM.
6. To re-appoint Taylor Cocks as independent examiners for 2021-22 financial year.
7. Two Trustees are due for re-election:
Pauline Docherty as Ordinary Trustee
Richard Whitbread as Treasurer
Each to be elected for three years.
Date of Issue: 7th June 2022
We are asking anyone wishing to join us both members and families to sign up via the Event bright link. The link for the zoom meeting will then be sent to all who have signed up. Corresponding paperwork will be sent after you have signed up.
Click here to sign up
All are warmly invited to attend. If you have any queries please email Lisa at
We look forward to seeing you there
Many thanks
The BDFA Team